A Thousand Naked Strangers by Kevin Hazzard
“A Paramedic’s Wild Ride to the Edge and Back”
This book, by Kevin Hazzard, is about his life as a paramedic, and what he’s experienced over the extent of his career both good and bad. Through his many trials and tribulations, he brings those moments to life portraying how fragile life can actually be while simultaneously interjecting an element of humor at some of the craziest situations he’s ever faced. This book not only documents these incredible situations but also gives insight into how this journey has transformed him, to which I believe many of us can relate in some shape or form. This book is written in a rubber-hits-the-road street language and portrays real-life descriptions of the actual scenarios he’s faced. It is vivid and will give you real-life insight into what a paramedic and other EMS personnel face on a daily, if not hourly basis. This book is interesting, informative, captivating, serious, sad, funny, and many other emotions all wrapped up at the same time. If you are in the medical field, or considering becoming a part of it, or just interested, I would highly recommend this book.
Please follow the link below if you’d like to purchase a copy of his book:
Dubin’s Rapid Interpretation of EKG’s
A wonderful book going step by step through EKG interpretation for not only the new paramedic but also review for the seasoned paramedic as well. Referred to as the “Bible of EKG interpretation.